When customers ask me why they should raise Silkworms, I respond; “get them as pets or to feed your pets. If you’re a teacher, buy them for school projects, and maybe even try eating them while you’re at it!” It’s clear there are many uses for Silkworms. By 2050, it’s expected a large portion of your protein intake will come from insects – largely from Silkworms.
There is no doubt Silkworms are the best insect to demonstrate a life cycle project at school, as they have a short life cycle and in less than 2 months, students can witness an egg turn into a Kego, before multiplying in size 10,000 times, going on to cocoon and finally emerging from their cocoon as a silk moth. All of this being occurs in the classroom inside a small shoebox, with relatively no hassle! There is also no doubting they are the best insects to feed to reptiles as a pet feeder, which can be seen through the table below.
5 Common Feeders | Fat % | Calcium % | Fibre % |
Protein % |
Silkworm | 10.6 | .34 | 5.95 | 63.8 |
Mealworm | 12.7 | .08 | 1.7 | 20.3 |
Waxworm | 22.2 | .11 | 7.69 | 15.5 |
Butterworm | 5.2 | .11 | – | 16.2 |
Cricket | 22.7 | .08 | 3.2 | 11.4 |
Now, this brings me on to my next point, which makes up a relatively small amount of sales, but is very interesting. Believe or not, but people eat Silkworms all throughout the world – mostly in Asia where they are treated as a delicacy! Many people who have tried Silkworms say they are crispy on the outside, and soft and gooey on the inside. Don’t worry though, as almost Silk products (not ours!) involve cocoons being boiled in the process, and the worms that people eat are generally the left-over remains after the Silk has been spun. Silk that doesn’t follow this method can be referred to as “Ahimsa”, or “Peaceful” Silk. Recently, famous Hollywood actress – Salma Hayek – ate Silkworm without hesitation live on television on the “Watch What Happens” Show, interestingly she preferred the Stir-Fried Silkworms to fish!

Now the main reason people purchase Silkworms, is simply for the specific goal of just raising them – as it is an enjoyable, rewarding, and interesting experience. As already mentioned, the life cycle is quick, and has many different stages, as well as the fact Silkworms are very low maintenance compared to other similar pets.